Thursday, August 09, 2007

Auckland Poetry

We are creating a new version of

We always intended to be a live poetry site featuring films of poets reciting and recordings of poetry that sit alongside the written word.

Over the past two years we have invited poets to publish their own work and send contributions for this site. Some have done amazing things (check the Poetry Blog sites or use the search box above to find lots of excellent poems. For example to find my poems, search for my name, etc).

I would like to hear from poets who read live poetry in Auckland and who:

a) want to publish on
b) have their readings filmed by
c) contribute art, music and voice recordings to the site.

Interested? Watch this space and get yourself involved.

COMING SOON: Live Readings


Ethelina said...

I would love to have my poetry published!
That would be a dream come true for me!
But at the moment I would love to find out what people think of my writting technique....
And that can only be done in a live reading.....
But have no idea wher or when!
Can you tell me of any close to Avondale? Or any where in Auckland?

Unknown said...

There is live reading in KRoad every tuesday night - go to the current website for details, its advertised there.

Anonymous said...

Nice post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.